Reading Time: 2 minI’ve always had a difficult time setting and sticking to goals. I’m great with routine (this blog is a solid example), but I’m not great at setting goals. While I think I still need to improve in that regard, perhaps routines can be a better fit than goals in many cases anyhow. In a podcast […]
Balance doesn’t mean 50/50
Reading Time: < 1 minUs humans are weird. When given two similar choices, we often assume that the odds of each choice is 50/50. That’s true in a lot of cases, like flipping a coin, but it also causes us to struggle to understand variances like in the Monty Hall problem. When it comes to work/life balance, you don’t […]
Tell your story yourself
Reading Time: < 1 minWe’re at an amazing point in history where gatekeepers no longer matter. While it can still be beneficial to get your company highlighted in the news (in a positive light, hopefully), that’s not something we all need to chase after. In a recent podcast interview with Gary Vaynerchuk, Danny Meyer (the famous restaurateur featured in […]
The incredible value in some services
Reading Time: 2 minThere are a lot of things we purchase that aren’t cheap, but we buy them anyhow. This could include your house, your car, or even your coffee from Starbucks. None of those are a great value, but we consider those expenses to be worthwhile. In thinking through what things cost, though, a few seem very […]
Strive for it anyhow
Reading Time: 2 minThere are some things in life that are almost certainly out of reach, but in many cases it can be worth chasing after them anyhow. A great example is guitarist Joe Walsh of the Eagles, with a story that is seemingly true, though admittedly disputed a bit. From a now-defunct Eagles fan site is this […]
We all have the same tools
Reading Time: < 1 minFor hundreds of years, your ability to create was dictated by the tools that you had access to. If you couldn’t afford the right tool, some types of creation were just out of your reach. Thankfully, that’s not true any more. Certainly you need to spend a bit of money to get some core tools, […]
The right time is right now
Reading Time: < 1 minYou likely have plans to start doing something soon. Perhaps it’s eating better, exercising, blogging more often, starting a new side hustle — it could be any number of things. You could wait “until I’m less busy”, or wait for a certain time (Jan 1 is very popular for that), but those are both likely […]
Be thankful for tailwinds
Reading Time: < 1 minAs humans, we tend to be more aware of challenges in our lives and less aware of places where we’ve had unearned help along the way. A common example of this is with referees in sporting events. The majority of people will notice when the refs make a bad call that hurts their team, but […]
The first one
Reading Time: < 1 minStarting a healthy habit can be difficult. It could be a regular workout schedule, eating better, reading frequently, or blogging daily. As with many things, the first one can be the most difficult. My friend Laurie expressed this beautifully earlier this year with her first blog post on January 15. Her first post talks about […]
Hard to Easy, or Easy to Hard?
Reading Time: 2 minThe “boots theory” is a fascinating look at how living in poverty can cost more than living with wealth, at least in a few ways. In his 1993 novel “Men at Arms“, author Terry Pratchett shared this story: The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less […]