Reading Time: < 1 min I recently saw a popular post on LinkedIn that said “To kill a great marketing idea in six words or less, just ask ‘how will we track it?’“ Initially, it sounds like a valid thought. If you can’t track it, why do it? Tracking can be quite important, and we track all that we can, […]
Almost all word of mouth is still offline
Reading Time: 2 min There are a lot of influences in our lives, but word of mouth is still the top reason why people buy products and services. Ads are important, marketing is important, but people buy most often based on what other people have to say. Of that word of mouth, how much happens online? Most people guess […]
Just a little bit can ruin your day
Reading Time: < 1 min It’s amazing how little it can take to put us in a bad mood. This can come from other people, but it can also come from just a bit of negative news. In his book “Big Potential“, author Shawn Achor shares this surprising bit of insight: “Indeed, we found that just a few minutes spent […]
The Sunday Summary: Strategy, attributes, and escaping the algorithms
Reading Time: 2 min In an effort to help me keep up with everything I post each week, here is my latest “Sunday Summary” of my posts from the week. Mon, September 9: Never stop doubting“Consensus is not always good; disagreement not always bad. If you do happen to agree, don’t take that agreement—in itself—as proof that you are […]
You can escape the algorithms, but you need to work for it
Reading Time: 2 min We all hear many people complaining about “the algorithms” on social media, and it’s often a legit complaint. At best, the algorithms show us a bunch of stuff we didn’t ask for. As worst, they could be affecting political outcomes. Part of the problem is the algorithms themselves, but the other part is our overall […]
What are your attributes?
Reading Time: 3 min I was recently listening to the “How to take over the world” podcast episode that discussed the life and values of basketball legend John Wooden, and there were some amazing things shared during the show. One area that host Ben Wilson spent some time on was sharing the attributes of Wooden, with a brief comparison […]
It doesn’t matter what you think your customers “should” care about
Reading Time: < 1 min Last month I shared a bit about how I feel the web should be these days. As I pointed out in that post, my “should” is irrelevant. I can push toward that better web to a degree, and I’ll continue to, but I also need to spend most of my time dealing with the web […]
Your experience is someone else’s benefit
Reading Time: < 1 min Many of the best businesses in the world were formed to solve a specific problem that the founder had, and then they simply worked to help others solve the the same problem. I still love the quote from Rory Vaden that I shared a few years ago when he said “You’re most powerfully positioned to […]
Strategy lasts longer than tactics
Reading Time: < 1 min In recently reading Alex M H Smith’s “No Bullsh*t Strategy” he shared some interesting thoughts on strategies versus marketing tactics. In essence, his approach is that strategies should be something you set once and run for years, while the specific tactics may change quite often. Specifically, he says: “What you need to get comfortable with […]
Never stop doubting
Reading Time: 2 min I recently read the book “Superforecasting“, which shared the stories and processes of those that are able to make predictions far better than most people can. While there is a lot of nuance in the book, and it’s well worth reading, one theme that came up over and over was that the best forecasters never […]