Reading Time: < 1 min About a year ago, Jay Acunzo released an amazing concept called “The Idea Impact Matrix“, which was focused on creating higher-impact content. As part of the matrix, he encourages us to stay out of the “commodity cage”, where you produce content that is very general and not too insightful. There is a ton of that […]
Big fires aren’t started by big sparks
Reading Time: < 1 min This is one of those things that we all already essentially know, but I had never really thought about. If you see a giant fire blazing, you never think “wow, it must have taken a huge spark to start it“. A tiny spark can turn into a giant fire just as easily as a huge […]
AI detectors simply don’t work
Reading Time: < 1 min Even though they’re widely known not to work, AI detecting software is still on the rise. Even those that work a little bit are getting worse every day as AI continues to improve. I saw a quote on Reddit that summed it up nicely, where a user said: If AI could ever be used to […]
97% of web pages get zero traffic from Google
Reading Time: 2 min Things are changing quickly when it comes to getting your site to rank well on Google. A big one, as I shared a few months ago, is that 64% of visitors that use Google never end up visiting a traditional website, instead getting the answer from Google itself or from a related Google product (Maps, […]
Reflecting on experiences
Reading Time: < 1 min We all experience many things, and there is a lot to be learned from those experiences. The question is: how do you actually learn from them? As explained in Tara Jaye Frank’s book “The Waymakers“, it’s not the experience itself that creates the learning. She shares: John Dewey, American philosopher, educator, and cofounder of the […]
Who are you working for?
Reading Time: < 1 min People talk about “the algorithm” incessantly, and for good reason. If you’re sharing content online you want it to be seen, and the algorithm is a big piece of that in many cases. Chasing the algorithm is one way to approach business, and it’s one that we certainly take from time to time. Depending on […]
You can escape the algorithms, but you need to work for it
Reading Time: 2 min We all hear many people complaining about “the algorithms” on social media, and it’s often a legit complaint. At best, the algorithms show us a bunch of stuff we didn’t ask for. As worst, they could be affecting political outcomes. Part of the problem is the algorithms themselves, but the other part is our overall […]
It doesn’t matter what you think your customers “should” care about
Reading Time: < 1 min Last month I shared a bit about how I feel the web should be these days. As I pointed out in that post, my “should” is irrelevant. I can push toward that better web to a degree, and I’ll continue to, but I also need to spend most of my time dealing with the web […]
Unique shows for everyone
Reading Time: 2 min I recently watched the episode of “Black Mirror” on Netflix titled “Joan is Awful” and it opened up some interesting conversations. The quick summary of the episode is that Joan comes home from work one day, fires up “Streamberry” (a spoof of Netflix) and discovers there is a new show featuring her life from that […]
We think that’s stupid
Reading Time: < 1 min Recently the “Art of Investing” podcast had the guys from the “Acquired” podcast on their show to discuss how Acquired has grown to be what it is (roughly 300,000 downloads per episode). There were a lot of great moments in the show, but one that stood out was when Ben and David were talking about […]