Reading Time: < 1 minJay Acunzo recently shared a great new marketing metric that I want find a way to measure. How often do people reach out to you, unsolicited, because of something that you wrote or said? Worded a bit better, from Jay: Without gaming it, without asking for it, once you “get in front of” others, do […]
Weighing your words against the labor of ink
Reading Time: 2 minI recently listened to the “Shell Game” podcast series, hosted by Evan Ratliff. He describes the show like this: What would happen if you created a digital copy of yourself, powered by AI, and set it loose in the world? Evan Ratliff, longtime tech journalist, decided to find out. He combined a clone of his […]
Short emails are a good thing
Reading Time: < 1 minThere may be rare circumstances where a flowery email is appropriate, but 99% of the time you’re better off just getting to the point. Thanks to AI, many people are writing a short email and then using AI to unnecessarily expand it to make it more “professional”. On the receiving side, more and more people […]
Jab, Jab, Jab
Reading Time: 2 min12 years ago, Gary Vaynerchuk wrote an excellent book called “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook“. The idea was pretty simple: your social media content should consist primarily of “jabs”, where you’re sharing value-added content to make life better for your followers, with just the occasional “right hook” thrown in with your call-to-action. Lately, it seems […]
You can make any kind of art
Reading Time: 2 minI’ve long been thankful for the time in history in which I’ve grown up. We got an early computer when I was young (a Commodore 64), then I got to grow up through an amazing generation of video game systems, and now we have stunningly powerful machines, AI, and so much great stuff. While I’m […]
We control the means of production
Reading Time: 1 minFor nearly all of human history, a select few controlled the means of production. A handful of people owned the factories, the facilities, and the raw materials, and there wasn’t much that the other people could do about it. Thankfully, we’re a place now where that’s no longer true. The device that you’re reading this […]
Where do your customers form their opinions?
Reading Time: 2 minGoogle is increasingly becoming a place where people go to find a specific website or company, but not where their journey really begins — it’s more often where their journey ends. However, the data can make this seem a little confusing. As shared by Rand Fishkin, this chart shows which sites drive the most traffic […]
A minute on the internet in 2024
Reading Time: < 1 minAs they’ve done for 12 years now (and we discussed last year), the folks at Domo have created a fascinating infographic that shows just how much time people are spending online. Their full write-up is here, and the main image can be seen below: Some things that I noticed, that happen every minute of every […]
Customers are mostly done with their research before they even reach out to you
Reading Time: < 1 minIt’s fun to build a website and think about all of the people that will come to your site to do their research about your product. It certainly happens, but it’s far less often than you might think. In Kara Smith Brown’s book “The Revenue Engine” she shares this bit of data about B2B buyers: […]
The two greatest misuses of AI
Reading Time: < 1 minI’m using AI more and more in the work I do. I talk with ChatGPT quite often, I generate many of my “featured images” for this post using AI, and I’m always looking to do more with it. However, I’m noticing two recurring patterns of AI use that are making things worse. The first is […]