Reading Time: < 1 minThere is a lot of good stuff that AI is bringing to us, but a recent luncheon that I attended showcased some of the bad stuff. During the lunch, they had each table briefly share some things that they were using AI for. Some were fine, some were helpful, and two were flat-out awful: The […]
Branded searches are taking over Google
Reading Time: < 1 minAs time has gone on, and our search engine patterns have changed, a big new trend is beginning to emerge: people are using Google for branded searches more than ever before. Put another way, people are searching for “Nike” instead of “best running shoes”, or “GreenMellen” instead of “web design companies in Atlanta”. People are […]
Google is a reward for getting marketing right in all the other channels
Reading Time: < 1 minI shared earlier this year that we need to avoid the mistake of giving Google credit for when other sources are really where your company was found. A few years ago I shared the story of how we found our CPA firm, and how they could have wrongly attributed things to Google. In a recent […]
You are trained on the content of your life
Reading Time: < 1 minAI can do some amazing things, and I’m using it more and more frequently. However, it has a major limitation — it hasn’t lived your life. Jay Acunzo worded this well in a blog post about his “Idea Impact Matrix” where he said: AI is trained on internet content. You are trained on the content […]
Don’t use AI for that
Reading Time: 2 minThere are a ton of great uses for AI, and more coming out every day. However, there are places that you can use AI that are likely not a smart move. I’m not talking about using AI to cheat on your homework or for other nefarious purposes (though those are clearly bad too), but places […]
Random posts
Reading Time: 3 minI’ve been slowly migrating my notes from Obsidian to Tana, and part of that involves essentially visiting every blog post on here again (inside of my notes) to get things properly tagged. It’ll be wildly useful when I’m done, but it’s rather tedious right now. However, I’m getting a lot of value out of seeing […]
The WordPress drama shows why WordPress remains the best choice
Reading Time: 2 minOver the last few months, the WordPress community has been a bit of a mess. The short version of the “mess” is that Matt Mullenweg (the man behind WordPress) is not happy with WP Engine (a major host of WordPress sites) and it’s causing a lot of fallout. My friend Aaron has a great timeline […]
The Hamster Wheel of Social Media
Reading Time: < 1 minAbout a year ago, Jay Acunzo released an amazing concept called “The Idea Impact Matrix“, which was focused on creating higher-impact content. As part of the matrix, he encourages us to stay out of the “commodity cage”, where you produce content that is very general and not too insightful. There is a ton of that […]
Big fires aren’t started by big sparks
Reading Time: < 1 minThis is one of those things that we all already essentially know, but I had never really thought about. If you see a giant fire blazing, you never think “wow, it must have taken a huge spark to start it“. A tiny spark can turn into a giant fire just as easily as a huge […]
AI detectors simply don’t work
Reading Time: < 1 minEven though they’re widely known not to work, AI detecting software is still on the rise. Even those that work a little bit are getting worse every day as AI continues to improve. I saw a quote on Reddit that summed it up nicely, where a user said: If AI could ever be used to […]