Reading Time: < 1 min Google Earth has had an “historical imagery” feature since back in 2009 (I wrote a bit about it in 2010), but they recently updated the web version of Google Earth to have an animated 3D version of changes to the planet. Here is a video they created that shows what it can do: The feature […]
Google Earth/Maps
Explore “from cave paintings to the internet” on Google Maps
Reading Time: < 1 min has just put out a very powerful new map that lets you explore famous locations in history around the world. You can select a category, such as “art”, “music”, “telegraph” or dozens of others, then see pins placed on the map to show noteworthy events related to that category — going back many thousands […]
Google Maps coming back to Windows Phone “soon”
Reading Time: < 1 min Late yesterday, Google cut off in-browser access to Google Maps for Windows Phone users. The reason, according to Google: “IE mobile still did not offer a good maps experience with no ability to pan or zoom and perform basic map functionality. As a result, we chose to continue to redirect IE mobile users to […]
A social network in Street View
Reading Time: < 1 min We’ve seen attempts at building a social network inside of Google Earth, such as YoubeQ, and now we have one that’s built entirely in Google Street View. Wallit allows you to create a virtual “wall” anywhere on earth that you’d like, which others can then come write on. The twist is that you need to […]
The Google “Maps Cube” game is released
Reading Time: < 1 min After teasing it months ago, Google has finally released the “Maps Cube” game, and it’s pretty slick. You roll a ball through various city streets to reach various goals, and you’re timed for your effort. It’s fairly simple, and the interface is very slick. The game requires that you use Google Chrome, but our stats […]
Amazing new photo tours in Google Maps
Reading Time: < 1 min Google has just added a great new feature to Google Maps called “photo tours”, which feels a lot like Microsoft’s PhotoSynth but taken to a whole new level. Here’s a video showing how they work: To try them for yourself, check out a famous site such as Trevi Fountain or St. Mark’s Basilica. To learn […]
More aerial views; National Geographic app; Google Maps for the indoors
Reading Time: < 1 min A few cool things to point you toward today: More Cities get “Aerial View” in Google Maps — Portland, OR and Sacramento and Oakland, CA all have new “bird’s eye” imagery from Google. National Geographic launches iPhone app — It allows a variety of mapping sources, styles and other cool stuff. Micello Launches “Google Maps […]
Bing releases iPhone app with nice Maps implementation
Reading Time: 2 min Microsoft just released the “Bing” application for iPhone and it is a solid effort. It was voice search that is similar to the Google app, and Maps implementation that is similar to Google Maps on the phone. It’s a free app, so it’s certainly worth downloading and trying out. Chris Pendleton has a nice writeup […]
Microsoft teams with Navteq to expand their Streetside coverage
Reading Time: < 1 min When Microsoft launched Streetside a few days ago (a direct competitor to Google’s StreetView), I wondered how they could possibly catch up with the huge amount of coverage that Google already has in place. Their answer: Navteq. Navteq has vehicles on the road all the time, collecting road data (speed limits, bridge heights, etc). Microsoft […]
Switzerland takes Google to court over StreetView
Reading Time: < 1 min We told you a few months ago that Switzerland wasn’t pleased with the new StreetView imagery in their country. Now they’re going to sue Google in an attempt to get the imagery removed. Google intends to fight the case. The first step will be interesting — Google may be required to remove the imagery from […]