Reading Time: 2 min There are things in this world that we can and should choose to fight against — improving the climate, housing the homeless, and uncovering cures for various diseases. We might not win all of these fights, but they’re good ones to take on. On the other hand, some things are inevitable, mostly related to technology, […]
Cooperation wins, even if you lose every time
Reading Time: 2 min The most famous problem in game theory is called “The Prisoner’s Dilemma“, and you’ve likely seen it play out in game shows over the years. In game shows, it often comes down to the final two players with a secret vote to split the pot or try to take more for themselves, and the logic […]
Character is more than your personality
Reading Time: < 1 min Over the years I’ve seen ones character compared to reputation, personality, and other related areas. Different sources have slightly different takes on what each one means, but I love how Adam Grant separated “character” and “personality” in his book “Hidden Potential“. He had two good thoughts that I really liked. The first one was: “Character […]
That’s a great question
Reading Time: < 1 min When I’m in a group or doing a Q&A after a talk, and someone asks a question I’ll often respond with “that’s a great question” as I begin to unpack it. However, in Michael Port’s book “Steal the Show“, he thinks that’s a very bad idea: Never say, “That’s a great question!” I rarely say […]
Just do it
Reading Time: < 1 min As time goes on, I’m finding it easier and easier to “just do” things rather than considering whether they should be done today or tomorrow. This blog is a good example; I don’t even consider whether I’m going to publish each morning, I just do it. The same goes for studying Anki cards, working on […]
10: In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to?
Reading Time: 3 min Digging into “Tribe of Mentors” by Tim Ferriss (see all previous questions here), he asks: In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? What new realizations and/or approaches helped? Any other tips? There were a ton of great answers in the book, and here are a […]
7: In the last five years, what new habit has improved your life the most?
Reading Time: 2 min Today’s question from “Tribe of Mentors” (see all questions here) by Tim Ferriss is a good one: In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life? Here are a few of my favorites from the book. Mike Maples, Jr. shared: Understanding that even though great scientists never believe […]
5: What is one of the best or most worthwhile investment you’ve ever made?
Reading Time: 2 min Continuing on through the questions from Tim Ferriss in his book “Tribe of Mentors” (see all of the questions here), we’re on to question number five: What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.) The first response that I’ll share is […]
You don’t need to defend your opinion
Reading Time: < 1 min We all have opinions about things in our life, but opinions don’t need to be fixed in stone. If it’s really just an “opinion”, you should be open and willing to change your mind if the facts point in a different direction. In Mónica Guzmán’s book “I Never Thought of It That Way“, she says: […]
Is it a monkey or a pedestal?
Reading Time: 2 min When trying to accomplish anything, there are usually a lot of different pieces that need to fall into place. While picking an easy place to start can be a good way to build some initial momentum, it’s helpful to see the full scope of things and make sure there isn’t something that might trip you […]