I got an e-mail today that really got me thinking. It read, in part:
What are the main things new folks in town are looking for in a church website? Is it information on specific ministries? If so, which inistries does that tend to be? Children and families? Is it service times and directions?
What are the MAIN few things?
It’s a remarkably difficult thing to answer. Different people are looking for different things. By looking into the long tail keywords that find your site
you can get some idea, but it’s still very broad.
However, his e-mail said specifically “new folks in town”, which helps narrow it down quite a bit. Based on that, we’ll assume a few things. These wouldn’t be true in every case, but probably in most:
- They don’t know the area very well.
- They’re already Christians and they’re simply looking for a new church.
- There’s a good chance they already know what denomination they prefer and they’ll stick to it, though that’s becoming less important to a lot of people.
Based on those items, what’s important? I would have to say, in random order:
- Directions/location. Saying you’re on the “corner of 9th & Main” won’t help, since they don’t know where 9th or Main is. Give them a good map, your full address, along with text based directions from each direction into town. A photo of your building on the directions page can help put them more at ease too.
- Your service times/locations/types. Do you have a contemporary service? What’s it like? What time is each service? What building is each service located in?
- Information for their kids. Sunday school and nursery being the main two. Where is the nursery? What ages can go there? Where is Sunday School for each grade? Is there a program for their middle-schooler, or should they come to the service?
- Membership information. I don’t like to push this information on new visitors too much, especially if they’ve never joined a church before, but this fictional family is probably looking to put down roots. At the very least, provide some information on what your membership process looks like.
What else? What other items do you think should be on the list?
Hi Mickey,
Just came across your blog recently. Looking good!
I think you covered most of the information people are looking for on a church website. The only thing I would add is to give people an idea of what they should wear.
However, I think the most important thing a church needs to convey is what it’s all about. Is the church really warm and welcoming to new people or is it cliquie? Is it really open to all people regardless of their past and where they are spiritually, or is everyone expected to act like they have it all together? Is it more about in-depth exegetical teaching or life application? Is it engaged in the community or refuged from the community? Is it about past traditions or is it about engaging today’s culture?
What is it that makes your church different from the 10-20 other churches someone could attend in your community?
In His Service,
Paul Steinbrueck
I really like your site. I am involved in several church sites and I like your research for ideas.
I think a video introduction from the pastor is a great way to get to know the pastor.
I also think some media clips of the service is nice, it gives them a view of the church.